What is the impact of various water savings strategies on a large scale mixed used (residential, office, retails) building located in Shanghai China?

Graphic Name:

What is the impact of various water savings strategies on a large scale mixed used (residential, office, retails) building located in Shanghai China?

Submitted By:

Olivier Brouard

Firm Name:

Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP

Other contributors or acknowledgements (optional):

- Olivier Brouard, Sustainability Engineering Team Leader - Harshul Singhal, Building Performance Analyst - Christine Tiffin, Sustainability Design Specialist

What tools did you use to create the graphic?

Project Information

What are the primary inputs of the analysis/analyses included in the case study?

Floor plate area, user gender count, program use type, gallons of water consumption per year

What are the primary outputs/metrics of the analysis/analyses included in this case study?

gallons of water

Gross Floor Area of Project Covered by Analysis


ASHRAE Climate Zone


Project Zip Code (optional)

Primary Building/Space Type Covered by Analysis
  • Office
If you selected 'Mixed Use' on the previous question, what are the different uses?

office, residential, retails


List the investigations questions that drove your analysis process.

How to address visually the sponge city requirements in Shanghai, China, with various water reduction strategies through the following measures: - high-efficiency plumbing fixtures - no potable water use for plant irrigation - greywater recycling - condensate recovery - rainwater harvesting at roof level - permeable surfaces, bioswales

Who performed the simulation analysis? (select all that apply)
  • Architect - Internal Sustainability Personnel
What tools were used for the simulation analysis? (select all that apply)
  • OpenStudio + Eplus
  • EnergyPlus
What phase of the project was analysis conducted? (select all that apply)
  • Conceptual Design
How was simulation integrated into the overall design process?

The simulation was integrated at an early design conceptual phase as part of a competition. It was shown to the team during a meeting.

How did you set up the simulation analysis and workflow?

The simulation analysis followed best practices to reduce water savings through reduction, optimization, collection (green roof), on-site treatment and reuse (greywater). All the numbers were manually calculated using the LEED calculations. Some water consumption inputs came from the energy modeling outputs of the water system. The water rain collection metric came from the local weather file. The evaporation through the cooling tower came from the MEP team.

How did you visualize the results to the design team? What was successful about the graphics that you used to communicate the data?

The tool used is "E-sankey" to create sankey diagrams. Not listed on the list above.

Most importantly, what did you learn from the investigation? How did simulation and its outputs influence the design of the project?

Adding a water story to the project statio competition would be a suggestion.

Is there anything else you'd like to mention? This can be in terms of your case study, this form, or suggestions for improving the submission process in general?

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