What is the impact of different IPCC scenarios on a building’s performance for 2050 and 2100?

Laia Gimeno Orti - April 26, 2023

Medium span (30 seconds)

What is the impact of different IPCC scenarios on a building’s performance for 2050 and 2100?

Project Location:

Simulation Scale:



What is this graphic showing? Describe the different parts of the graphic and how it communicates the data.

The simulation output graphic shows the energy consumption of a building located in Barcelona depending on the RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 IPCC scenarios. The upper left graphic shows the different representative concentration pathways, the predicted temperature increase for each pathway and year and the predicted energy consumption of the building. The table located in the lower right side of the canvas compares the energy consumption for different end uses and for the different IPCC scenarios. The graphics reflect an overall energy consumption increment as temperature averages increase. The energy use for cooling and ventilation increases substantially with higher temperatures and both heating and hot water energy use slightly decreases.

What type of graphic is this?

  • Case Study / Multiple
  • Table / Chart

Design Variables

  • Other

Is this part of the ASHRAE-209 cycle?

What tools were used for the simulation analysis?

  • eQuest
  • Excel

What tools did you use to create the graphic?

  • Excel
  • Other
  • PowerPoint

What was successful and/or unique about the graphic in how it communicates information?

The temperature increase and energy use are indicated over the RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 IPCC scenarios. The table contains icons and provides more visual results, the percentage increase for each year and RCP pathway is also indicated with donut graphs for the same reason.

Is there anything else you would like to mention?

The energy use for the building has been obtained by manually modifying the temperature in the weather files. This is a simplification and the purpose of this analysis is to reflect an energy use change and increase depending on the rising temperature.

Included in the competition: