What is the impact of WWR on EUI?

Sara Laudeman - January 15, 2022

Long span (2 minutes)

What is the impact of WWR on EUI?

Project Location:

Simulation Scale:



What is this graphic showing? Describe the different parts of the graphic and how it communicates the data.

This graphic demonstrates the relationship between WWR and EUI across two distinct climate zones via direct comparison and percentage differences. It shows a linear relationship between the EUI and WWR with similar slopes for both climates, implying that the impact of changing the WWR is roughly similar for both Atlanta, GA, USA and Toronto, ON, Canada.

What type of graphic is this?

  • Diagram

Design Variables

  • Glazing Fraction/Window to Wall ratio

Is this part of the ASHRAE-209 cycle?

  • Cycle 1 Simple Box Model

What tools were used for the simulation analysis?

  • Cove.tool

What tools did you use to create the graphic?

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Excel

What was successful and/or unique about the graphic in how it communicates information?

The graphic uses direct numerical relationships alongside the charted comparison to demonstrate similarity between two distinct datasets.

Is there anything else you would like to mention?

We expected to find a larger impact from WWR when we began simulations. However, the result that WWR had a fairly consistent impact on EUI across the two climate zones is equally as interesting. An additional study in a third climate, warmer than Atlanta, GA would be a useful future data point to compare.

Additional credits and other contributors:

Mostafa Tahmasebi

Included in the competition: