Project StaSIO is launching a new initiative – Challenges!
Each Challenge will focus on a specific building simulation topic and participants and contribute Graphics to the Project StaSIO website which answers a simulation question related to the Challenge topic. Individuals or project teams can contribute one or more graphics through the online contribution forms on Project StaSIO’s ‘Contribute’ page. Each participant can make multiple contributions and each will be considered separately for the Challenge.
Challenge #2: Simple Box Modeling
The Challenge Topic is a broad category, but each contribution should ask and answer a more specific question. Simple Box Modeling is Cycle #1 in ASHRAE Standard 209, and includes the earliest attempts to quantify energy use, select strategies, or otherwise inform design decisions. Four examples of more specific questions are below, but any question that falls under the Challenge Topic is acceptable. We will not hold rigidly to Standard 209 or its Appendix C, but those provide good guidance.
- What is the impact of a set of specific efficiency strategies on energy use?
- What is the impact of Window to Wall on energy use in this climate
- What is the impact of surrounding context on the site for solar exposure and PV planning?
- What is the impact typology of energy end uses and peak loads?
What makes a Great Contribution?
Contributions should highlight insights towards informing decisions during the design process or conveying complex simulation data to decision-makers and include data visualization clarity. Contributions should align with the Challenge topic to be considered for that Challenge.
All graphics should be legible on a laptop screen (1440×900). Posters submissions are accepted, as long as they are split into multiple graphics of the adequate resolution.