What is the impact of Insulation thickness on Electricity consumption, Reduction in HVAC system size and additional cost of insulation?

Project Location: Zone 0A Extremely Hot Humid
Simulation Scale: Shoebox Model
Application: Real Project
Audience: Architect/Designer
What is this graphic showing? Describe the different parts of the graphic and how it communicates the data.
The diagram presents a thorough analysis of how wall insulation thickness directly affects electricity consumption by lowering cooling loads. Additionally, it includes a cost-benefit analysis comparing the added cost of insulation to the reduction in HVAC system size resulting from decreased peak cooling loads. This not only leads to a reduction in operational costs but also yields savings in initial costs. The data shows that once the wall insulation thickness exceeds 60mm, the decrease in electricity consumption becomes marginal, while the cost of adding more insulation continues to rise. As a result, maintaining a wall insulation thickness of 60mm is deemed the optimal balance between cost-effectiveness and energy consumption savings.
What type of graphic is this?
- Diagram
Design Variables
- Building Massing
- Building Materials
- Insulation R-value
Is this part of the ASHRAE-209 cycle?
What tools were used for the simulation analysis?
- Design Builder
What tools did you use to create the graphic?
- Excel
- PowerPoint
What was successful and/or unique about the graphic in how it communicates information?
The graphical representation of the data is clear, enabling readers to draw meaningful conclusions about the intended information. It doesn't just present a final conclusion; rather, it empowers readers to comprehend the values of key outputs and it's impact by exploring various values within the dataset. This approach allows users to grasp the concept.
Is there anything else you would like to mention?
A shoe box model of the building was created using Design Builder, complete with precise specifications such as dimensions, orientation, glazing, and window-to-wall ratio as per the project brief. An annual simulation was then conducted, manipulating only the thickness of insulation while keeping all other variables constant.
Included in the competition:
2024 Annual Project StaSIO Challenge - Deadline 03.30.24
January 18, 2024-November 22, 2024